
扬州嘉辉职业培训与发展有限公司国际控股有限公司(「扬州嘉辉职业培训与发展有限公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「公司」;股份代號:9922)謹此公佈截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日止年度(「報告期內」)的經審計綜合業績。
2020 年,機遇與挑戰並存。公司的股份(「股份」)於 1 月 15 日在香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)主板成功上市(「上市」),是公司歷史中的一項重大里程碑,而受新冠疫情影響,為促進疫情防控、保障僱員及顧客的健康與安全,1 月 26 日起公司全線門店暫停營業,3 月 18 日逐步恢復營運,所有餐廳於 5 月 10 日起得以恢復營運。儘管疫情衝擊,公司全年年收入仍升 1%至人民幣 2714.8 百萬元,並錄得年度正溢利人民幣 138 百萬元及正經營現金流人民幣 546.1 百萬元;太二及慫得益於餐廳網絡擴張及品牌受歡迎持續收入上升,由於菜單價格及組合調整,餐廳人均消費均呈上升趨勢。
疫情之下,公司仍保持作為中國領先的中餐廳品牌管理商及營運商的市場地位,於2020 年積極持續拓展餐廳網絡,我們於 2020 年新開 139 間餐廳,包括 10 間扬州嘉辉职业培训与发展有限公司餐廳、109 間太二餐廳、2 間 2 顆雞蛋煎餅自營餐廳、16 間 2 顆雞蛋煎餅加盟餐廳及2 間慫重慶火鍋廠。截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,公司在中國 21 個省份 60 個城市及四個直轄市、澳門特別行政區及加拿大溫哥華經營 349 間餐廳及管理 32 間加盟餐廳。其中,慫品牌於 2020 年取得長足發展。為讓慫品牌再進一步,我們通過創立「慫重慶火鍋廠」將品牌轉型切入火鍋賽道,並於年內開設 2 間餐廳,並透過獨特的裝修、餐牌及菜單設計、品牌及營銷策略,為顧客提供不一樣的火鍋用餐體驗。
此外,本年公司獲納入恒生綜合指數並於 2020 年 9 月 7 日生效,為公司獲得資本市場肯定的標誌,亦是公司品牌效益的進展,將有利獲得南下資金助推。至今,公司股票共獲得二十餘家知名券商覆蓋,最高目標價$46。
集團主席管毅宏先生表示:「展望未來,公司將會繼續實施以下發展策略:(1)通過進一步擴張複製我們的成功。我們一直密切關注疫情在中國的發展情況,並於適當情況下調整我們為不同品牌進行的餐廳網絡擴張計劃時間表。就太二而言,預期我們將繼續推進本公司日期為 2019 年 12 月 30 日的招股章程所載的餐廳網絡擴張計劃;而就其他品牌而言,我們在餐廳網絡擴張計劃的時間框架方面採取穩健方針。(2)遵循多品牌及多概念策略,持續向更多細分市場擴張。由於太二相較我們其他品牌具有更高的經營利潤水平,我們計劃進一步提升其品牌形象及知名度。我們亦將投資於從事餐飲服務業的公司。我們擬識別採納創新業務模式並具備發展與增長潛力的目標,或物色其業務模式能與我們業務產生協同效應並符合我們多品牌發展策略的目標。我們目前尚未識別任何潛在目標。我們相信,多品牌及多概念策略令我們能夠進一步向更多細分市場擴張、把握市場機遇及拓寬我們的客戶群,從而最終提升我們的市場份額。與各種年輕及創新品牌合作將使我們能夠緊貼市場趨勢。(3)持續增強我們的供應及支持能力。我們已在佛山的中央廚房附近租賃新倉庫。我們佛山中央廚房的現有倉庫將轉型為食物加工中心,以提升我們的供應鏈能力,為我們的未來擴張計劃提供支持。我們亦擬在華南建設及建立一個供應鏈中心,從而增強我們的供應鏈能力以支持我們的未來擴張計劃。此外,我們將繼續與我們的主要食材供應商以合營公司的方式或其他方式合作,確保主要食材供應穩定。(4)澳門在粵港澳大灣區具有重要地位,以及該地為受歡迎的旅遊地點,我們於2020 年在澳門開設太二餐廳。我們將繼續對潛在海外目標市場開展全面調查,認真評估及選擇我們進行擴張的適當地點,以獲得國際市場份額。我們將優先考慮於華人人口眾多的地區進行未來擴張,例如香港、澳門、新加坡、美國及加拿大等。
Jiumaojiu International Holdings Limited (“Jiumaojiu”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Company”; Stock Code: 9922) hereby announces the audited consolidated annual results of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2020 (the “Reporting Period”).
The Company witnessed both opportunities and challenges in 2020. The successful listing of shares (the “Shares”) on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) on January 15, 2020 (the “Listing”) marked a significant milestone in the Company’s history. In order to facilitate better prevention and control of the pandemic and to safeguard the health and safety of our employees and customers, the Company temporarily suspended the operation of all restaurants in the PRC (including both self-operated and franchised restaurants) from January 26, 2020. The operation of certain restaurants resumed from March 18, 2020. All of the restaurants had resumed operation since May 10, 2020. Despite the impact of the pandemic, revenue of the Company increased by 1.0% from RMB2,687.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2019 to RMB2,714.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2020. The Company also achieved a positive profit for the year of RMB138.0 million and positive operating cash flow of RMB546.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2020. Revenue from Tai Er and Song increased due to the restaurant network expansion of Tai Er and Song and their increasing popularity among customers. Average spending per customer of our restaurants increased as a result of adjustments to menus and dish prices.
Despite the impact of the pandemic, the Company maintained the market position as a leading Chinese cuisine restaurant brand manager and operator in China and actively continued to expand the restaurant network in 2020. In 2020, the Company opened 139 new restaurants, which comprises ten Jiu Mao Jiu restaurants, 109 Tai Er restaurants, two self-operated Double Eggs restaurants, 16 franchised Double Eggs restaurants and two Song Chongqing Hot Pot Factory restaurants. As of December 31, 2020, we operated 349 restaurants and managed 32 franchised restaurants, covering 60 cities in 21 provinces, four municipalities, the Macau special administrative region in the PRC and Vancouver in Canada. Song ( 慫 ) brand achieved significant development in 2020. In furtherance of the Song brand, we developed the hot pot brand Song Chongqing Hot Pot Factory (慫重慶火鍋廠) for brand transformation and expanded our business into the hot pot field. We opened two Song Chongqing Hot Pot Factory restaurants in 2020 and provided customers with a distinctive hot pot dining experience through unique store decoration, menu design, branding and marketing strategies.
In addition, the Company was included in the Hang Seng Family of Indexes and the change took effective on September 7, 2020. It marks that the Company has been recognized by the capital market. It is also the development of the Company's brand awareness and recognition, which will be beneficial to get the boost from southbound funds. At present, the Company’s shares are covered by more than 20 well-known brokerage firms, with the highest target price of $46.
Chairman of the Company, Mr. GUAN Yihong said, “Looking ahead, the Company will continue to implement the following growth strategies: (1) Replicate our success through further expansion. We have been closely monitoring the development of the pandemic in China and adjusting the timeline of our restaurant network expansion plan for different brands as and when appropriate. We expect that we will remain on track with our restaurant network expansion plan set forth in the prospectus of the Company dated December 31 2019, for Tai Er brand, while adopting a moderate approach in the timeframe of our restaurant network expansion plan for other brands. (2) Continue to expand into more market segments by pursuing a multi-brand and multi-concept strategy. We plan to further promote the brand image and recognition of Tai Er as it has achieved higher operating profits compared with our other brands. We will also invest in companies in the catering service industry. We intend to identify targets which adopt innovative business models and possess development and growth potential, or whose business models can create synergies with our business and fit into our multibrand development strategy. We currently have not yet identified any potential target. We believe our multibrand and multi-concept strategy allows us to further expand into more market segments, capture market opportunities, broaden our customer base and ultimately increase our market share. The collaboration with various young and innovative brands would enable us to stay attuned to market trends. (3) Continue to strengthen our supply and support capabilities. We rented a new warehouse near our central kitchen in Foshan. The existing warehouse of our Foshan central kitchen will be converted into a food processing center to enhance our supply chain capabilities in support of our future expansion plan. We also intend to construct and establish a supply chain center in Southern China to enhance our supply chain capabilities in support of our futureexpansion plan. In addition, we will continue our cooperation with suppliers of our key ingredients by way of joint ventures or other means to secure stable supply of key ingredients. (4) Expand into the global markets to gain international presence. In 2020, we opened a Tai Er restaurant in Macau in view of its significance in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and as a popular tourist destination. We will continue to carry out comprehensive research into potential overseas target markets and carefully evaluate and select appropriate locations for our expansion to gain international presence. We will prioritize regions with high population of Chinese people, such as Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, the USONG nited States and Canada etc., for our future expansion.
-The End-